Kansas or Bust


On Friday July 8th we departed Connecticut in our 2003 Subaru Forester. Our destination is Lawrence Kansas, home of Tammy’s sister Cathy and her partner Ann, who have generously offered to look after Cooper, our 9 year old English Cocker Spaniel for the year we are away.

The photograph above was taken at one of our more interesting stops along the way. The road sign on I-70 in Missouri states ‘Visit historic downtown Blackwater’, so we did. We found a historic 1880’s railway town. The 300 yard stretch of downtown consists of a general store, town hall, shops and historic buildings, a nearby 1 room schoolhouse and railway station.

We arrived in Blackwater (pop 199) mid Sunday morning and to our surprise there was not a soul to be found. I walked over to a brick building on the corner which had an open sign.  I entered the ‘Mid Missouri Museum of independent Telephone Pioneers’. As the screen door slammed shut behind me I found myself alone in the exhibit room amongst the dusty displays. Still no one to be found. For more than a moment I felt as though we had entered a ‘Twilight Zone’ episode.

click on photos to enlarge

Thankfully, we made it to Kansas, did not Bust or get trapped forever in a town lost to time.
