Tavira Portugal

We have arrived in Portugal after flying from Bangkok to Munich, Munich to Barcelona, Barcelona to Faro, and finally from Faro to Tavira on the regional train. All in all a very long day, but well worth waking up to the warm embrace of Tavira in the Portugese Algave region.

Our first impressions of a quiet, slow paced, classic old Portugese town, were indeed correct, and while the popular center along the Gilao river caters to vacationers, it never felt overrun with tourists. We wandered through the narrow streets and back lines, admiring the buildings with colorful tile facades among the stucco houses.

For our first lunch we found a Cantinho, a small family restaurant which serves a limited daily menu, usually 2 or 3 items with an inexpensive house wine. During one of these lunches we were conversing with a local expat. He summed up living in Tavira by stating: “you wake up with nothing to do, and by 5 o’clock you’re only half done”. Our Cousin Robert also correctly described Tavira as the “Old Portugal, not too busy and Romantic”. So given the general laid back attitude here, we also gave ourselves permission to be a bit lazy and enjoy the simple pleasures of Tavira.
