Cornwall: The Daily Catch

We visited several quaint Cornish villages including Port Isaac, St Ives, Mousehole and Charlestown, and while many of these small coastal enclaves have a long standing fishing tradition, today these towns survive mostly for the benefit of tourists. Newlyn, however, is a serious fishing town, home to a fleet of trawlers and daily fish auctions. 

Purely by chance we watched a BBC program with Cornwall Chef and television presenter Rick Stein, highlighting Mackerel Sky, a small Newlyn seafood restaurant located within view of the docks. The next day we decided to treat ourselves to lunch at this local favorite.

We started with a fresh crabmeat salad followed by mussels served in a white wine, cream, bacon and leek broth, so good I lapped up every last drop. But the star was the restaurant's signature dish,  grilled mackerel with beetroot and horseradish. This was the Rick Stein recommended dish we came for, and it did not disappoint.

Great food, sunshine, and the smell of salt water, made for a ‘Life doesn’t get much better than this’ day.


After our lunch we walked out along the docks to discover cookbook author and Chef, Tom Kerridge filming an episode for his television program featuring what else but, the daily catch from Newlyn.
