
 We happily replaced the mayhem of Marrakech for the quiet, laid-back seaside town of Essaouira. With consistently strong winds blowing in from the Atlantic, this has become a great location for avid wind surfers, like us (not). But Essaouira’s real claim to fame is commercial fishing, and while the harbor is jam packed with small blue fishing boats, large offshore rigs also use the port to offload their catch. 

The dockside fish mongers offer a wide selection, including Atlantic Sea Bass, Bonito, Saint Pierre (John Dory)....

and the long ugly Conger fish, an eel species native to these North African waters.
Returning from the market, Tammy snapped this delightful photo of an Essaouira Cat pleased with his fish.
Near the harbor, open air grilling stations will happily cook up your just purchased fish, but there are numerous less rustic restaurant options, where you can also be serenaded during your seafood lunch.
Have a listen here:

This town had a casual feel, and we enjoyed people watching in the main square and exploring the quiet back alleys.

But sometimes simply sitting on a rock and breathing the fresh salt air is all you need.
